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Aquaristik-Börse der Aquarienfreunde Stellingen




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Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2011, 11:00


Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2011, 14:00


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Herzliche Grüße, Gabi

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Lipsey, whose background is far more on the spiritual than the diplomatic side, and who came to the biography by way of Hammarskjold’s posthumous work Markings, ranks his subject one of the finest religious thinkers of his time, on a par with Dietrich Boenhoffer, Martin Buber and Thomas Merton. For him, Hammarskjold proved to be “Pascal-like in his critique of self and society, Montaigne-like in his questioning, Augustine-like in his need and willingness to chronicle his hard journey.” He never broke his links with Christianity, but became increasingly infused by a more universal spirituality that drew on Eastern religions, combining aspects of many, and perhaps even hoping to narrow men’s differences through such a synthesis. Exploring his personal brand of fatalistic mysticism was a perennial concern of Hammarskjold—and of this book.

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